Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2021 - 2022 Project
In August 2022, Footsteps to Theatre took a group of young people from the local area to take part in and perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Over the 5 day course of our trip, our cast performed 3 shows of their production of Oliver! Jr. at a fringe venue, theSpace @ NiddryStreet, just off the Royal Mile. They also had the opportunity to promote their show through 3 street performances on the Fringe tasters stages and by flyering throughout central Edinburgh. Our performers got the opportunity to step into different roles, both in the show and backstage, by gaining more experience and seeing different sides of theatre. All our actors were cast as two different parts and characters, so they switched between roles for each performance.
When they were not performing they didn't just sit still! The group took part in an all singing all dancing touring Silent Disco, led by Silent Adventures, went to see 4 other Fringe shows and got to see the beautiful city sights and take part in enjoyable activities, such as wandering through the busy streets of the festival and exploring the National Museum of Scotland.
At the end of our project, we celebrated with a local performance at the Victoria Hall, to showcase what we had presented at the Edinburgh Fringe to the local community.

This experience would not have been possible without the kindness and generosity of our supportive sponsors, to whom we thank greatly.

Alyson Irving
Arthur John Brogdon Lodge
Barkers Engineering
Bay Villa Trust
Camping and General
Cartmel Old Grammar Foundation
Charles Goodwin Trust
Dan Irving
Grange Musical Theatre Society
Hilary Stubbs
Hospitality Audit Services
Joyce Heap
Keg & Kitchen
Ken Heap Consultants
Lions Grange
Mr Morrell
Nicola Wilson
Mr and Mrs Sissons
Soroptomist Grange
Tiree Dawson
Treatment Rooms
Unsworth's Yard
Wild Soul

The trip would have not been possible either without the support of families, friends and the local community, as well as the hard work and dedication from our wonderful
fundraising team:
Ann Heap
Claire Pearson
Jane Payne
Laura Hill
Shirley Gaydon
Sarah Lucas
Kim Law
Amy Hambling
Claire Unsworth
Group leaders and pastoral care team:
Ann Heap
David Kay
Jane Payne
Mark Payne
Nathan Jones
Claire Pearson